
Get Your Next Piercing
From a Trained Nurse 

  • Sterile, single-cartridge piercing system to reduce the risk
    of skin infections
  • Attractive piercing earrings that are medical-grade titanium
    to reduce the risk of nickel allergy
  • Ear numbing cream to reduce pain, so that your child can have
    a positive piercing experience!
  • Aftercare solution and instructions to reduce the risk of a skin infection
  • Access to your nurse after piercing for any questions or concerns
  • We can answer any piercing-related questions and concerns before your appointment

 What do we use for piercings?

We use a medical-grade, hand-pressurized device that is only sold to nurses and medical providers. This is NOT the gun that you’ll find at the mall stores that give do piercings! Our device causes no trauma to the ear or nose tissue and the longer posts on our piercings reduce the risk of infection. 

Piercings are $55 including your earring of choice!